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Home >Products >Supermarket Price Checking Application

ZKPOS SuperMarket Price Checking App

ZKPOS Supermarket Price Checking Applciation

In Supermarket Price Checking App the every pin point details like name of the product, price, barcode and product ID of a product. Where you can scan the product and the Barcode price will be automatically displayed. It emphasize with great potential ability to maximise the productivity and consists more necessity for a business to enhance its sales proceedings. If any offers being takes place you can see it on the supermarket price checking app. In price checking app there will be a slider which you can add, remove, and slide the images. After scanning a product the product details like product name, price and barcode will be available and it makes you to a valid understanding of the products. You can see all promotions and offers of particular items by using this app.

Make Your Supermarket Business Systematic for You and Your Employees
Offers & Promotions

Offers & Promotions

You can see all promotions and offers of particular items by using price checking app.
Accounting Integration

Accounting Integration

Accounting Integration can be done effectively with the supermarket inventory app.
Shows Product Details

Shows Product Details

The product details makes you to a valid understanding about the supermarket products.
Barcode Scanning

Barcode Scanning

After a product is scanned, details like product name, price and barcode will be available here.
Faster mode

Faster mode

Everything related to price checking app can be done in a faster way.
Accurate Bills

Accurate Bills

Price checking app only provides accurate information and it results in perfect billing.
Effortless Access

Get Price Checking Details Instantly

Accounting Integration, Product Details, and Accurate Bills in faster mode.


ZKPos License Activation

0.73 MB


ZKPos Process Guide

0.44 MB


ZKPos User Manual

0.34 MB


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